Tim Begley
Also Known As: Little Hero, Beggles
Society Position:
Previous Society Positions: NA
Current WHV Handicap: 28
Joined the Tour in: [year started]
[Description, Lore, Rumours]
The longer established society members will fondly remember the days of regular golfing participation from Beggles and will certainly not forget the controversial nearest the pin competition which he undertook with Aust the wrong side of midnight whilst in double figures on the bevvy count. The fact that the pin (and tee) in question were adjacent to the hotel resulted in many angry accusations for society members the following morning as to whether they were 'Aust' or 'Begley'. Has promised to emerge from the golfing wilderness for at least one of the 2008 tour events although the smart money will rest on him having retained any drinking rather than his golfing prowess.
Disicplinary Issues: [Summary of charges]
WHV Disciplinary Records Page
Events Entered
2003 Delete these years if not required
2008 WHV Open
Victories: [pagelinks to match reports]
Places: [i.e. 2nd or 3rd - or 4th in the Jug]
Hulk History: [list events where the player has won the Hulk]
Nearest the Pin: [list events where the player has won the Hulk]
Form Guide: (details of last 6 events to help a little with the bookie)
W-winner 2,3,4-placed E- Not Placed N-non runner P-pulled up
Player Profile
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Gallery of Society Images Featuring This Player