Having reviewed the scores from the season it appears to me that the 'Standard Deviant' system is a complete load of bollocks. For those that do not understand read the following:
In order to promote attendance at events, a handicap increase mechanic is to be trialled in order to prevent regular members being continually penalised for competing.
Handicap increases of 0.2 for a Minor and 0.4 for a Major will be given to those competitors whose stapleforth points for that tournament are below 1 standard deviation from the mean – This calculation will be performed by the Prof, probably not in his head.
My Views/Questions are:
- Has the handicap increase mechanic trial finished now - When will it be labelled as a failure as that is clearly what it is…
- Can we agree a new system - i have a great idea on this, lets use the system that every golf club in UK use!!
- The standard deviant means that basically from this seasons results you would only go up if you scored about 21 points (as i understand it). This means that you could shoot around of 14 over nett and no go up!
- The standard deviant system has only changed 3 exact handicaps all year - Pres/Prof/TD, but has not affected their
actual playing handicaps - Therefore it has actually done nothing.
- Example - Pres has scored an average of 18.8 points in the 5 tournaments he has played in this season and is still off the same
- Example - Ron has never played to 0 since being cut to 0 two years ago and still remains at 0
It's time for a review - lets kick out the sub standard deviant
Cheers Ron